Apparently, The Flintstones were the first prime-time cartoon family way back in 1960. They were also ABC's first show televised in color. As impressive and groundbreaking as these facts are, I personally never really fully caught on. I was a 70's child and there were so many other cartoons that "did it" for me. Even the Jetsons (which even as a child I could tell was a pretty blatant rip-off) was a better show.
The Simpsons writers will be the first ones to admit everything they owe to the Flintstones. It's nice to see Homer dressed as Fred in one Halloween episode.
I fully appreciate the importance of the Flintstones, but it just doesn't hold up for me. I don't know if it's the cheap recycled animation, the laugh track, or if it was just downright not funny. Maybe I'm all wrong about the whole thing because I never saw any of their best episodes. I think I'll look into that and try to give them another shot.
As for now, I am a Simpsons man. They are my prime-time animated family and will always take the top slot. Let's listen to Homer sing his own version of the Flintstones theme. What's best about this is that he's singing his own theme song to himself with no one else around. Cracks me up every single time.
1 comment:
So the real question for me was, "Do I comment on Homer, or Robert?" I think I'll choose Homer, as he's almost like a family member to me. Robert, on the other hand, is that part of each of our psyche that we try to keep burried for fear of ostracization or rehabilitation (ala A Clockwork Orange)--if we let him out, we get a backwards jacket. Homer, however, is the blue collar hero. Weren't The Jetsons a Hanna Barabara also? That would make them as much of a rip-off as Futurama is to the Simpsons, or American Dad is to Family Guy. Oh well, in retrospect, they're all The Honeymooners (well ... not so much Futurama).
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